What is Transformation in Kentico

Question :- What is Transformation in Kentico?

Answer :- Transformation is one of process through which data items and documents displayed. A transformation is a code template that determines how listing web parts and controls that render web contents.

Transformation just like the item template which is used in ASP.NET data bound web server controls such Repeater, GridView.

Based on data item display Transformations are categorized in two .
(a).Document types Transformation

(b).Custom tables Transformation

To assign transformations to listing web parts or controls, use the available Transformation properties. Transformations are supported by all data listing web parts, as well as by listing controls that are designed to work with Kentico documents. The Kentico sample sites include many transformations for all built-in document types. You can modify the default transformations or write new ones to suit any requirements.

Some of types of transformation is allowed in Kentico are as follows.


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