Silent Installation Implementation in ClickOnce Application
What is Silent Installation?
A silent install is the installation of a software program that requires no user interaction. It is a convenient way to streamline the installation process of a desktop application. In a non-silent or "attended installation," the user is prompted to select or confirm these options during the installation process. In a silent install, these items are selected automatically and the installer runs from start to finish without requiring any user input.
How to create a custom installer that silently installs a ClickOnce application
- In your ClickOnce application, add references to System.Deployment and System.Windows.Forms.
- Add a new class to your application and specify any name. This walkthrough uses the name MyInstaller.
- Add the following Imports or using statements to the top of your new class.
- Add the following(see the attached images of MyInstaller.cs) methods to your class.
MyInstaller -2
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