
Available Technology Stack to Create Apps for Mobile

Since the impact of mobile applications is ubiquitous in the whole IT industry, there are numerous ways to create an app. There are various ways to build mobiles/handheld device apps into different technologies and within those those clusters into actual products or implementations. 1.Native Technology Stack Apple Xcode (iOS): With everything you need to create amazing apps for Apple platforms, Xcode is unbelievably quick and consistently smooth while editing even the largest files. It also understands your code better than ever, so you can select and edit the structure or even transform the selection directly in the editor. Powerful new refactoring tasks happen in place, renaming symbols across Swift, Objective-C, and even user interface files without skipping a beat. IntelliJ AppCode (iOS): It is Smart IDE for iOS mobile App development.Appcode provide Intelligent code assistance feature(Smart editor,Refactorings & and code generation,Code analysis),Built-in tools &am

failed to access iis metabase set the userName to SYSTEM in the processModel of the machine.config file, the works just fine. Omitting the userName attribute gives me the error. From reading other posts, this is indicative of a permissions problem. So, without specifying the userName, I tried the application while running filemon, but I don't see any file access getting denied like I expected to see based on the posts I have read. step1:- aspnet_regiis -i Step2:- aspnet_regiis -ga ASPNET

IIS 7.0 Issues

Breaking Changes for ASP.NET 2.0 applications running in Integrated mode on IIS 7.0 ASP.NET 2.0 applications on IIS 7.0 are hosted using the ASP.NET Integrated mode by default. This new mode enables a myriad of exciting scenarios including using super-valuable ASP.NET features like Forms Authentication for your entire Web site, and developing new ASP.NET modules to do things like URL rewriting, authorization, logging, and more at the IIS level. For more information about the ASP.NET Integration in IIS 7.0, see: ASP.NET Integration with IIS7. As you know, with great power comes great responsibility. Similarly, with making ASP.NET applications more powerful in IIS 7.0 comes the responsibility of making sure that existing ASP.NET applications continue to work. This has been a major challenge for us as we re-architected the entire core engine of ASP.NET, and in the end we were highly successful in meeting it. As a result, most ASP.NET applications should work without change. This post l

How to Implement Dynamic CSS File in ASP.NET

at ASPX page put this add this in title tag and Page Load Event pagename.aspx.cs if (!Page.IsPostBack) { if (Request.Browser.Browser == "IE" && Request.Browser.Version == "7.0") //&& Request.Browser.Version = "7") { lnkcss.Attributes.Add("href", "style/styleIE7.css"); } else { lnkcss.Attributes.Add("href", "style/style1.css"); } }

how to add meta tag elements dynamic in ASP.NET

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { HtmlMeta objhtmlmeta=new HtmlMeta(); objhtmlmeta.Content = ""; objhtmlmeta.HttpEquiv = "refresh"; objhtmlmeta.Content = "10;URL=" + Session["MinPrice"] + "&maxprice=" + Session["MaxPrice"] + "&cu=USD&minsurface=&maxsurface=&minbedroom=" + Session["MinBedrooms"] + "&cust(garage)=&minbathroom=" + Session["MinBathrooms"] + "&minlsurface=&maxlsurface=&c_city=&cust1(d)=&cust(zipcode)=" + Session["Zip"] + "&cust(year-built)=" + Session["YearBuilt"] + "&cust(type)=&c_n_area=681&rpp=5&B1=Search"; Header.Controls.Add(objhtmlmeta); }

ole/db provider 'openxml' irowset::restartposition returned 0x80004005

Error in SQL SERVER 200 :-ole db provider 'openxml' reported an error. the provider did not give any information about the error. ole db error trace [ole/db provider 'openxml' irowset::restartposition returned 0x80004005 This exception generates when you are using openxml and select record directly from xml input file or text .It comes only on SQL SERVER 2000 but not on SQL SERVER 2005. for resolving such issue you have to first create a temp table in sql server with open xml and select record directly from there temp table instead of selecting direclty from openxml. like this Correct :- if(exists(select tblHHA160_HEADER.FED_ID from tblHHA160_HEADER inner join #TempDataHeader on tblHHA160_HEADER.FED_ID=#TempDataHeader.FED_ID)) InCorrect :---if(exists(SELECT FED_ID FROM OPENXML (@idoc, '/ROOT/tblHeader',1) WITH (FED_ID varchar(6)) where FED_ID in (Select FED_ID from tblHHA160_HEADER)))

Bind Treeview control Recursivley

//Page Load Event UltraWebTree1.Nodes.Clear(); Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator.Node node1 = new Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator.Node(); //=new Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator.Node("ASP.NetSearchDNN"); node1.Text = "Agencies"; UltraWebTree1.Nodes.Add(node1); //TreeNode tNode = new TreeNode(); Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator.Nodes tNode; tNode = UltraWebTree1.Nodes[0].Nodes; PopulateTreeView("0", tNode); UltraWebTree1.ExpandAll(); //Recursive function public void PopulateTreeView(string iparentId, Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator.Nodes inTreeNode) { DataSet DSNASPSearch = new DataSet(); string strquery = ""; if (iparentId == "0") { strquery = "select ID ,OrganizationName,ParentId from tblAgencies where ParentId is null"; } else { strquery = "select ID ,OrganizationName,ParentId from tblAgencies where ParentId= " + iparentId; } SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(strquery, con); da.Fill(DSNASP